If we look after ourselves and care first about ourselves, then love for all humanity flows automatically out of us.
Love for others is the direct, unavoidable consequence of a healthy human being. It requires no effort. It happens inevitably and automatically when a human being is feeling good and healthy.
I say to my grad students – your job is to look after yourselves. Show up feeling good. Physics will happen automatically, you don’t have to do anything for it.
Same applies right now (Jan 2025) when we are living challenging times: let’s all look after ourselves, feel good and healthy. The right next action (which we could not see before) will present itself.
Without self-love we try to save others by brute-force. With self-love our biological intuition will do its magic to save the world.
As a great neuroscientist wrote last month “the brain is a lot more ecological than we think”.